Tuesday 3 November 2015


The Celts are a group of people that live in both ancient and modern times. The word Celtic came from the Greeks who lived around 600 BC in the North of Greece and a large area of center Europe. 

The ancient Celts were the inhabitants of Europe in the iron age. They were first written about 2500 years ago. They were a group of many different people that shared the same language, religion and material culture. They spread across northern Europe for many years until they were pushed into Ireland, Britain and Northern France by the Roman Empire. 

Celtic people were divided into tribes. Celtic society was divided into three classes. The warrior elite were the nobles. The educated, priestly class was called the druids these people did religious ceremonies, and judges and also gave advice to the kings. The commoners were the social class and the largest class. The lived on farms where they grew wheat and barley and grew live shock. 

The life of the Modern Celts was influenced by St Patrick, he introduced education and Christianity to the Celtic people. 

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