Oscar: Hello
Julie today I would like to interview you and I am going to ask a bunch of
questions and can you please answer them
Julie: I
will try
Oscar: Are
you Irish?
Julie: Definately proud to be Irish!
Oscar: Where
in Ireland does your family oringinate?
County Cork that’s the southern tip of Ireland
Oscar: What
is Ireland like?
Julie: it’s
very like NEW ZEALAND if you think of the grey of New Zealand it has holes in
the roads just like in New Zealand. People we speak English just like New Zealanders but in the the Celtic area which is the west of Ireland you can hear
people speaking Gallic
Oscar: Very
interesting. Do you know any tradition’s that are Celtic?
Julie: Very
Oscar: Can
you name one?
Julie: St
Patricks Day is one of ours its very Irish you won’t have that anywhere else
they do celebrate all of different parts all over the world and New Zealand
does as well. But it’s only because they want to be Irish.
Oscar: What
did St Patrick do?
Julie: He
brought the faith to Ireland.
Oscar: Do
you know any Irish jokes?
That’s a very good question because Ireland people are really good at jokes.
Oscar: Where
in Europe does you Celtic tribe come from?
Julie: From
France originally and now they live in Southern Ireland
Oscar: In
New Zealand so you practice any Celtic traditions?
Julie: I
know how to Irish dance and in New Zealand we have Christmas in the summer time but
back in Ireland you have it in the winter time.
Oscar: Its really good to interview you and thank you!
Julie: Your welcome.