Tuesday 3 November 2015


Hi  today i am 
doing a project on the
CELTS hope you learn


The Celts are a group of people that live in both ancient and modern times. The word Celtic came from the Greeks who lived around 600 BC in the North of Greece and a large area of center Europe. 

The ancient Celts were the inhabitants of Europe in the iron age. They were first written about 2500 years ago. They were a group of many different people that shared the same language, religion and material culture. They spread across northern Europe for many years until they were pushed into Ireland, Britain and Northern France by the Roman Empire. 

Celtic people were divided into tribes. Celtic society was divided into three classes. The warrior elite were the nobles. The educated, priestly class was called the druids these people did religious ceremonies, and judges and also gave advice to the kings. The commoners were the social class and the largest class. The lived on farms where they grew wheat and barley and grew live shock. 

The life of the Modern Celts was influenced by St Patrick, he introduced education and Christianity to the Celtic people. 

Time Period, Geography, Language, Currency and Religion All In One Post!

Time Period

The Celts were thought to have lived since the iron age in 600 BC and still exist today although the culture has changed a lot over the years there are still some parts that still exist, Because the Celts weren't educated they didn't record their history until much later on and  it is difficult to know exactly how long they have been around for. 


Around 400 BC the Celts grew and spread across a lot of Europe, then as the Roman Empire grew later in history the Celts were pushed into Ireland, Britan and Northern France. The below map is where the Celts lived many years ago, they spread across Europe and then later on settled mostly in Ireland, Britan, Wales and Scotland, also parts of France. 

This map is of the Celtic Empire later on showing how it grew across Europe. 

The dark Green on this map shows the Celtic Kingdom of today


Its was their Gaelic language that was similar and grouped the ancient Celts together they did not write a lot down but the culture was passed down by poets and story tellers so that when they did begin to write things down they had a very rich culture to record. Today the word CELTS refers to the cultures languages and people that live in Scotland, Ireland and other part of the British isles and Brittany in France. Today six Celtic languages have survived. 
  •  Irish Gaelic
  • Scots Gaelic
  • Manx Gaelic
  • Welsh 
  • Breton 
  • Cornish 


The Celts used coins from, they copied the designs from the Greek when they first started using them, even today there are Greek motifs and even letters on different Celtic Coins, mostly in France. There are many different Celtic Coins, some say they had a lot of influence on the British coinage of today. Here are some picture of Celtic Coins, they had images such as The images found on Celtic coins include giants with cut off heads on ropes, horsemen charging into battle, gods and godesses, shulls and chariot wheels, thunderbolts and lightening, the sun and the moon.

The Celtic coins were made of gold, silver or potin. 


The Ancient Celts of the Iron Age were superstitious people. the Celtic Priest were called Druids and it was believed they were the link between the supernatural world and the human world. Most people think that they know how to read and write and they show they know mathematics and tracing the stars and planets. They believed in over 400 gods and godesses. When St Patrick introduced education to the Celtic race he also introduced Christianity which is a large part of the Celtic Culture today. He introduced the Shamrock, The three leaves of the Shamrock were the symbol of the father, the son and the holy spirit.        

Here is the picture of the Shamrock. 

Inquiry Question - Who Was St Patrick?

St. Patrick is one of the world's popular saints. He was born in Roman Britain when he was fourteen, St Patrick was captured by Irish pirates during a raiding party and was taken to be a slave to herd and tend sheep. At that time, Ireland was a land of Druids and pagans but Patrick turned to god. Patrick's captivity lasted until he was twenty years old, when he escaped after when he was having a dream from God in which he was told to leave Ireland by going to coast. He was found some sailors who took him back to Britain and was reunited with his family. 
Had a dream about an Angel who told him to go back to Ireland as a missionary. 
Patrick was a humble, pious, gentle man, who loved with total devotion and to trust in God and the importance of his mission, he feared nothing not even death. He became a bishop and spent the next 40 years teaching Christianity to Ireland, he allowed the old Celtic traditions for example strong connection to dance and music to still exist and mixed them in with the Christian religion which meant that the Celtics found it easier to adopt the Christian religion. 
Today, St Patrick is the superhero of the Celtic people. every year they celebrate him with a day of celebration including dance and music, he is seen as the man that introduced the modern Celtic/Irish Culture. And we celebrate 17th  March.

Here's a little video to watch


Oscar: Hello Julie today I would like to interview you and I am going to ask a bunch of questions and can you please answer them
Julie: I will try

Oscar: Are you Irish?
Julie: Definately proud to be Irish!

Oscar: Where in Ireland does your family oringinate?
Julie: County Cork that’s the southern tip of Ireland

Oscar: What is Ireland like?
Julie: it’s very like NEW ZEALAND if you think of the grey of New Zealand it has holes in the roads just like in New Zealand. People we speak English just like New Zealanders but in the the Celtic area which is the west of Ireland you can hear people speaking Gallic

Oscar: Very interesting. Do you know any tradition’s that are Celtic?
Julie: Very much

Oscar: Can you name one?
Julie: St Patricks Day is one of ours its very Irish you won’t have that anywhere else they do celebrate all of different parts all over the world and New Zealand does as well. But it’s only because they want to be Irish.

Oscar: What did St Patrick do?
Julie: He brought the faith to Ireland.

Oscar: Do you know any Irish jokes?
Julie: That’s a very good question because Ireland people are really good at jokes.

Oscar: Where in Europe does you Celtic tribe come from?
Julie: From France originally and now they live in Southern Ireland

Oscar: In New Zealand so you practice any Celtic traditions?
Julie: I know how to Irish dance and in New Zealand we have Christmas in the summer time but back in Ireland you have it in the winter time.

Oscar: Its really good to interview you and thank you!
Julie: Your welcome.

Monday 19 October 2015


Thanks for watching!




